During the early to late 1980's a series of events were held in Freeport that became known as Grand Bahama Speed Weeks. These were races that were held annually in which well known international racers would converge in Freeport along with their vintage racing vehicles to race for trophies. The races were carried out circuit style with the number of laps depending on the particular type of race that was being held.
The starting line was on East Sunrise Highway. Although the direction of the races changed from time to time, the typical route was east on Sunrise Highway to East Mall Drive, North on East Mall to Ponciana drive, west on Ponciana Drive to West Atlantic Drive and south on the long stretch back to East Sunrise Highway and the finish line which was in the area of where the BazaarPolice Station is presently. Concrete barriers would be placed along the roads. There are still a few of the locally owned cars around. The original Grand Bahama Motorsports Club building still stands as well although in need of quite a bit of repairs.
My information is that owners of businesses in the Bazaar area complained about the customers not being able to access their stores due to the roads being blocked off with the concrete barriers. Apparently, this is what led to the Grand Bahama Port Authority withdrawing their support of the races which contributed alot to the economy in terms of tourism, customs duties, etc. Wouldn't it be nice to see something like this again. If you have old pictures, information or just want to comment please feel free.
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